Visited El Morro castle with the kids. This is the inside.
Near there, there's this fountain, designed for kids to frolic about in. We brought towels and bathing suits so they could do that.
Project churns along swimmingly, with occasional glitches, mostly technical, some interpersonal. It's good, hard work, that I find satisfying and intriguing, and I ain't done with it yet. Don't really feel comfortable describing it, lest I tender a trap for m'self - write a check my butt can't cash, as it were. I'll just say this: You will all be amazed by the most amazing thing I have ever produced in my life apart from my children.
But I don't want to hype it.
And I will say this: I met a man today who is one of the most amazing whistlers I have ever heard.
Enough - I've said too much.
Q got another sea urchin spine in his foot today - we tried to buy swimmy shoes for him before this very trip to the beach, but the Walgreen's didn't have his size. Remedied it at Supermax post-facto. He's got them now, just in time never to need them again. 'Course, how will we know? The spines will just bounce off his shoes if he finds any urchins.
Going to see Harry Potter tonight - Janneke and Q have been letting bits of information slip, so I need to remedy the situation.
Off to watch the first 30 minutes or so of the first "Mr Bean" movie. Yep. They're that desperate.
Hasta pronto!
Whoah - I'm back. Watched "Harry Potter". Well-made film, gripping and exciting. I expected more in the way of sacrifice, I have to say. But I've probably said too much.
Y'know what I notice? Puerto Ricans respect the holy !@$#@ out of lines. Get in a line anywhere, and Puerto Ricans do not, repeat, do NOT elbow their way in or let their friends in at the very front of the line or jump the ropes and dare you to call them on it. Unlike Mexico and Ecuador, and even much of Europe. I find that very comforting and homey.
I keep hearing salsa songs on the radio that I really like - I think, "Hey, that's dramatic, textured, intriguing, clever" - I quick whip out a pad and paper and write down a couple of lines of the lyrics so I can look them up later. Then I go home, and I find them, and they're all by the same guy! Here are a couple:
Hector Lavoe. Genius. He may have operated in the seventies, and worn unfortunate glasses and hairstyles, but he's my latest definition of genius. Though some of his lyrics are a titch mysoginistic.
OK, OK, so I misspelled it. Don't get your panties in a wad.
Dang...Went out to see the movie and now I can't fall asleep. It's almost 1:00 AM - what am I going to do?
That's so crazy, it just might work. To the kitchen!
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