Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Least Interesting Post Ever

Well, at least I'm honest.

As planned, Janneke did her thing this morning, and then around 10:00, we switched off, and I did mine. Went to the Santurce market and talked with all the folks I want to work with on my project, the exact parameters of which I'll make more known at a later date. Basi, the woman who runs the botánica, had her daughter there with her this afternoon, who's very spiritual, like she is, and appears to go in for a whole lot of stripes of mumbo-jumbo. (Which I mean in the nicest of ways.) As we were chatting, her daughter asked me, kind of out of nowhere, "Do you do yoga?"

"No," I said. "Why?"

"Because your aura is so clean and bright."

Probably the second-nicest thing anybody's ever said to me.

So I was working on project stuff until close to 4:00, when Janneke and the kids got home from the Childrens' Museum in San Juan. Q and T gave me extremely lengthy and detailed debriefings, on any number of exhibits and challenges they offer there. It's on the most beautiful street on Earth, as you can find if you go back a few entries in this blog to the last time we were here 4 years ago. They had a hell of a good time.

We all hit the beach to decompress from the day, then home - where I contributed panapén as the starch portion of the evening meal. The kids love it (as much as one can love a potato substitute), and it filled us all up right nice-like. Felt good to contribute positively to dinner for a change.

Chats, Mr Bean, and bed. Another relaxing but productive day in San Juan.

Man - hardly even worth posting this. Tell you what: I won't brag it up on Facebook. That should keep the expectations to a reasonable level.

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