Up in the mornin', for some fairly extended lounging and puzzle-completing. T, who took the late night on the chin more than the rest of us, slept in quite late. We sneaked in and took a picture of her in repose, and I posted it here earlier, but I had mercy on future T and took it down. A bit much perhaps. I mean, you could still see the beer cans and cigar butts lying around her. It wouldn't have done her political career any favors.
Lunch at noon; Janneke took off with the kids to do grocery shopping in the early afternoon, and I set out with Clarabelle to reconnoiter a bit and see where the vet's office up the street is. We'll have to get a health certificate for Clarabelle in a few days - they want it to be from within 10 days of travel. So we walked up and found it.
There's really no more to that particular anecdote.
The fam came back from shopping, and I hit the market, where I spent some serious quality time with Basilisa in her botánica - no filming or anything, just shootin' the breeze - and we really enjoyed each other's company. Long chat about life and happiness and what makes people valuable to each other. Nice.
I also met someone who agreed to let me include him in the project, starting tomorrow at 7:00. very exciting.
Back home, where we all worked the puzzle, ate supper, and then settled in to watch the tail end of "Booky's Crush", which the kids and Janneke had begun in my absence the night I went to see "Harry Potter". I slept through it, honestly - it's one of those odd, low-budget Canadian productions that are just so...I don't know, Canadian. Wholesome and predictable and dull, filled with actors who aren't THAT good-looking or talented or interesting. I'll give you a list of films to watch and you'll probably see what I mean about this Canadian cardboard-colored film universe.
And that's friggin' it, man. That's the day it was. I wish there were more to tell you. But actually, I don't, because then I'd be even more sleepy than I already am. And I still have to walk the dog. Remember her?
Right, that's the one. Lucky I don't have to walk the cat. Remember her?
Right. Trying to place the lady holding her, though. I know I've seen her somewhere before.
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