Yesterday...Let's see...Ah, yes. We had Marimer (María Mercedes, in whose apartment we're staying) and Aurora (downstairs neighbor in whose apartment we stayed last time, and who put us in touch with Marimer) over for brunch. It was absolutely wonderful - they are both hilarious, sparkly, energetic individuals with whom we get on just fantastically. It seems strange, but this was really the first extended time we had ever been able to spend together socially, despite all the dealings around the apartments. And not that it should have come as a surprise, since they had both been nothing but wonderful in our interactions previously, but they truly felt like old friends - comfortable, easy to laugh with and to talk to. And they're coming to Williamstown this coming year! Just a great time had by all.
Then I went to say goodbye to my friend Basilisa, the owner of the botánica, whom I mentioned in a post or two a while back. It was Saturday, and she wouldn't be working Sunday, so this was going to be my last shot at seeing her, and between the Culebra trip and who knows what all else, I hadn't been able to get in to see her at all this past week. So we chatted a good hour or so, and she then invited us over for dessert. And for supper, potentially, but I told her Janneke would already be working on it. But we agreed: 7:30, her place.
We rolled in a little late, and she let us in - hair undone, in her nightgown. She had meant, and had probably said, the NEXT night! Embarrassment all 'round, but she wouldn't think of letting us leave. She showed us all around her house, offered us her downstairs mother-in-law apartment for our next stay, specifically directed the kids to go to her fridge and rifle through it looking for sweets...A very nice visit. And we agreed to do the actual, official visit today, at lunch.
Here's a shot from post-lunch:
And another, with her daughter, Lizzie:
Just the warmest, most welcoming people. And Basi made a point of letting Janneke know all the nice things I'd been saying about her.
Love it when a plan comes together.
The morning prior to lunch saw the epic of the rental car delivery. Went without a hitch - except that once I had taken a cab home ($15), I realized I hadn't detached the remote to Marimer (our apartment's owner)'s garage gate. So I called Enterprise, and the woman put me on hold while she went to find the car. She came back five minutes later. "It's not here," she said. "What? I turned it in twenty minutes ago! Did you rent it already?" (Sounds of clicking.) "No, it hasn't been rented out, but it's not on the lot." "Has it turned invisible?" "It could be on another lot," she said in an annoyed tone. (Can't blame her.) "I'll attach a note, and when we rent it out, which will probably be today, we'll try to make sure someone looks for the remote."
Not good enough. So I walked down the stairs and drew a deep breath in preparation for a run to Ashford Avenue to where the taxis hang out so I could get back there and find it myself - but there was, magically, a taxi waiting just outside our apartment building! He took me back to the car rental place ($16), and agreed to wait there while I searched the lot.
The car was thirty feet in front of the window through which the person I'd talked to could have looked. I talked to no one - walked up to the car, pulled the keys out of the door, took the remote, and walked back to the cab. Back home again ($16). So my forgetfulness cost us $32 today. Whatchagonnado.
The afternoon was spent by Janneke in packing, and by me in watching the kids frolic in the surf. And then we all trooped to the dog park so Clarabelle could get a good long run in before we stuff her into the cargo bay of a plane tomorrow. Poor thing - she probably knows something's up, just not quite exactly what.
And that's going to be it! We did a lot of debriefing in recent days around the trip home - both kids have come up to us independently to talk about how much they'll miss Puerto Rico, and what a good time they've had. I'd love to come back next year, but I think that still draws some skepticism from the other three members of the family. Luckily, I wear the pants.
Gotta go - Janneke's waiting for me to walk the dog and take out the garbage so we can watch Mad Men. I'll check in again post-trip!
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